Sometimes AI is NOT the Solution: Breaking Down Moments When AI Might Not be Your BEST Resource
AI can be an extremely helpful tool for small business owners in many cases. It responds quickly with full, cohesive thoughts that rarely require grammatical editing. Within minutes, it can generate a social media post, a flavor profile, or an article on just about anything. Considering efficiency alone, AI appears to be the best option for nearly every aspect of automation.
However, while AI offers convenience and efficiency in many areas of business, it’s not without its pitfalls, specifically if not used wisely. In today’s tech-heavy environment, automated solutions are popular for their accessibility and time-saving benefits. However, overreliance on AI can be really apparent, especially when readers see text that feels like it was generated by software or view artwork that lacks a human touch. It’s important to balance AI use to enhance output while still keeping the work authentic and high-quality.
So, when is it better to use your own imagination and skills instead of software?
Chef or Painter? Why AI Can’t Cook Up Personal Stories
When reading a blog, readers are looking for your input, opinion or advice. Blogs allow writers and content creators to be able to share their expertise through sharing personal stories and creating connections to their life. Reading a blog should feel like hearing someone share a story, allow the reader to connect to the story or invite them into a conversation. AI is simply unable to do this.
Pretend your lifelong career was being a chef, and someone asked you to write about your experiences as a painter. It would probably be pretty difficult because your life experiences are that of a chef, not a painter, right? Your writing would likely be short and lacking in detail because there isn’t any context for you to even understand the life of a painter, much less write about it.
The same thing happens with AI when it is asked to write about others' opinions. How can AI capture your unique perspective when it hasn’t walked a mile in your shoes or lived a single day as you? You have been you your whole life, no one can share your perspective better than you can.
Our friend and client, Rachel Krall from Uprooted Success & Wellbeing, shared this post on Facebook earlier last month discussing how she has observed others responses while reading AI. She has a Masters Degree, is an expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and thoroughly enjoys writing.
The Creative Gap in AI Digital Art
Ever notice how AI art sometimes just looks… weird?
Art as a whole is the expression and/or application of imagination and creativity. Digital art and graphic design rely heavily on technology, so it seems logical that technology would be able to recreate these designs, right?
However, this is not the case. The point here is that AI cannot understand and recreate individualized creativity, because creativity is inherently personal and unique to each individual. Creativity comes from your imagination. AI replicates what has been input into the system. This means creativity and imagination ebb and flow, making them unpredictable and difficult to understand.
There is no “pattern” to human imagination for a computer to follow. Human imagination is layered and complex , and it’s something the AI does not have any experience with.
This goes back again to the analogy of the chef and the painter. You simply cannot create something you have no context of.
From History Lessons to Extra Digits: AI in Video
A few weeks ago, “Saturday Night Live” performed a sketch about a high school history class that decided to use AI for their history lesson. The result, of course, was funny. At one point, guest Timothée Chalamet held up his hand to reveal six fingers on one hand.
If you’ve ever used an AI tool, you’ll appreciate how “Saturday Night Live’s” recent sketch humorously highlighted the glaring flaws in using AI for video. While AI technology has advanced rapidly, there’s still plenty of room for improvement - like figuring out how to avoid those extra fingers! It’s a funny reminder that while AI is powerful, it’s not quite perfect yet.
As much as it offers innovative editing tools and effects, AI cannot yet fully understand the nuances of human emotion and the subtleties of storytelling that resonate deeply with audiences. For instance, while AI might help streamline some technical aspects of editing, it lacks the intuitive grasp of pacing, humor, and dramatic tension that separate a good video from a GREAT video. While tools can assist with the mechanics, the creative soul of your production still relies heavily on human touch.
Why AI Isn’t Just a Tech Trend
The idea that fearing all aspects of AI based on a single, negative perspective is unreasonable. There are so many possible positive uses and functionalities of AI, and yet there are still a compounding number of undiscovered features that could improve society as a whole. Neil deGrasse Tyson has said, “To put everything into one category, AI, and somehow fear the rest of what AI is doing for us, I think is misguided.” Tyson is cautioning against a blanket fear of AI, advocating for more understanding of its various impacts and contributions to society.
AI is here, and its use will only expand as the technology advances. Refusing to learn about this tool will leave you behind. Growing up in the ’90s, we witnessed a lot of new technology emerge. Some people were quick to adapt and change, while others were not. Remember when the internet first came out and you had access? Or the early days of Windows? I still remember sending my first text message. Gen Z will never understand the struggle of pressing the #7 four times just to get an “S”!
AI is an amazing tool that can thoroughly proofread, check grammar, and create simple clip-art designs for those last-minute additions. However, it cannot replicate individualized human experiences, making it easy to spot and often easy to overlook. For small businesses, understanding when your personal input is needed for a project is extremely important. The personal touch - or lack thereof - can be the deciding factor in whether a customer returns for your goods or services.