

Back to the Basics: What Actually is Social Media and How can it Help your Business?

Back to the Basics: What Actually is Social Media and How can it Help your Business?

Think social media is just for selfies and status updates? Think again—it could be your business’s growth engine. Many small business owners use social media as their primary form of communication to their consumers. It is incomparably one of the most useful tools small business owners use to expand their reach. This blog goes into what social media actually is and how businesses can effectively use social media to jumpstart their company.

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Balancing Act: The Pros and Cons of Marketing for Small Businesses

Balancing Act: The Pros and Cons of Marketing for Small Businesses

Small businesses are growing in number as more people learn about things they love and create ways to share that with other people. Owners are frequently switching hats trying to manage the day to day, the accounting, production, and marketing. Sometimes, getting started in your area can be as easy as gaining traction on an icy country road. However, there are benefits to marketing for a small business as well. Read the blog to learn about the benefits and difficulties of marketing for small businesses!

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Understanding Marketing and Sales: How They’re Similar and How They’re Different

Understanding Marketing and Sales: How They’re Similar and How They’re Different

Sales and marketing—two sides of the same coin, right? Well, sort of. If you think of your business as a car, marketing is the engine that propels it forward, while sales is the driver steering it toward the finish line. Both departments play crucial roles, but their responsibilities and goals are far from identical. Still, many businesses (especially smaller ones) lump these functions together, often placing the burden of marketing on their sales teams. Spoiler alert: this rarely works out as expected.

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Why You Need to Hire an Outside Marketing Company: Three Key Reasons
Social Media, Small Business Marketing Shawn Sundsvold Social Media, Small Business Marketing Shawn Sundsvold

Why You Need to Hire an Outside Marketing Company: Three Key Reasons

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business, yet it’s often the first thing to fall by the wayside when day-to-day operations take over. Many companies start strong, sending out regular social media posts, running email campaigns, and tweaking their SEO, but before long, marketing tasks start to pile up. Suddenly, the website hasn’t been updated in months, the blog is stagnant, and the social media accounts are gathering dust. Sound familiar? If so, it might be time to consider hiring an outside marketing company to assist you in getting your marketing back up to speed. 

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The Power of Consistency: How Regular Posting Boosts Engagement
Social Media, Small Business Marketing Kelly Sundsvold Social Media, Small Business Marketing Kelly Sundsvold

The Power of Consistency: How Regular Posting Boosts Engagement

Let’s be honest, social media can be a bit like the gym. We all know it’s good for us, we all start with the best of intentions, but somewhere between creating an account and actually using it consistently, we lose steam. Small business owners, this one’s for you. You’ve got a million hats to wear, and “social media guru” probably isn’t the one you feel most comfortable with. We hear this often from our clients. What started out as a fun and exciting project to share your business with your clients, often becomes a struggle of what to post next or combing the interwebs for inspiration.

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What Should My Marketing & Advertising Budget Be?
Social Media, Small Business Marketing Kelly Sundsvold Social Media, Small Business Marketing Kelly Sundsvold

What Should My Marketing & Advertising Budget Be?

Understanding the details of marketing and advertising budgets is crucial for any business looking to thrive in today's competitive landscape. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question, "What should our advertising budget be?", there are fundamental principles and considerations that can guide your decision-making process.

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